
Bridal Makeup, Tattoo Coverage & Camouflage Leicester

Follow KirstyFX: Follow Kirsty Hargreaves Wedding Make-Up Artist in Leicester on Twitter Kirsty Hargreaves leicester based Make-up artist facebook page


E: T: 07736287696

The festive party season is here...

The count down to Christmas is on... and this season I'm loving statement party eyes; gold dust, false eyelashes, sprinkles of glitter and plenty of eyeliner and mascara! Try something different, daring looks, glam up or simply shimmer and glow... love your brows and frame your face to festive perfection. 

Some tips though for those of you that might overdo it this Christmas and need a little help with hiding that hangover... rehydrate, depuff and brighten your skin; liven up cheeks, conceal any redness with a creamy, hydrating concealer and a pink toned primer does the trick to brighten things right up!

Whatever you get up to this festive season, enjoy yourself and I will look forward to seeing you in the New Year for more Weddings, party nights and tattoo covers in 2017! x  

Autumn has arrived... are you warm, cool or neutral?

Autumn is a season famous for its harvest time, turning leaves of vibrant ambers, reds and yellows, cooling temperatures and darkening nights and I love it! Like the turning leaves, I know many of us have occasionally felt uncertain, as to which colours really suit us best and by identifying 'warm', 'cool' and 'neutral' colour groups, it should make it easier to find colours that flatter our natural colouring.

If you would like to know more about colouring, make-up shades that flatter, or simply want to try out a different look then just get in touch via the contact page or call for more details...

Doesn't time fly...

Hi all, well I'm back after a very busy summer...I can't believe we're in September already! Tattoo covers and beautiful bridal make-up and hair styling have certainly kept me on my toes.  Very popular natural looks this Summer and great to see lots of freckles on show.  Talking of which, please check out my twitter page for some great make-up must haves for us who are pale and fair skinned. 

If you would like a make-up artist for an event, hair styling, tattoo cover or would like to try a new look or want some advice on how to use a particular product please get in touch via the website, twitter or Facebook.  I look forward to hearing from you x       

Spring has sprung...

Busy, busy, busy... but I always love Spring... buds are opening, temperature is favourite season! Spring is an ideal time to detox not just your diet but also, your skin... Nurture your skin and help make the best of what you've got for a fresh, Spring glow!

New foundations combine make-up with skincare to hide imperfections, as well as treat your skin, so think about using a primer, a hydrating foundation or tint formula and just a dab of concealer to problem areas that need more coverage.  Create the illusion of a bare face, which looks more youthful than layers of thick, powdery make-up and let your skin breathe.  I can show you techniques and ways to use your make-up effectively, enhancing the natural you! Why not get in touch to find out more...

Need a New Years resolution? Make more time for you...

Well where did 2015 go?? Happy New Year to you all!

I haven't really made any resolutions as such for 2016 just some healthier lifestyle choices! Whatever your resolution this year, make sure it includes making time for you! Feel good, feel happy and shine with confidence this year... and if you need any help or just a few pointers with that then get in touch! From wanting a new healthier skin routine? perhaps new make-up looks you want to try? hairstyles you want to experiment with but aren't sure how to achieve them? or a tattoo or blemish you want to cover... whatever it is just ask... get in touch via the contact page, Facebook & Twitter or call for information.  I look forward to hearing from you x  

Is your party make-up ready??

Can you believe its nearly December...Let the festivities begin and get your party make-up ready with glossy lips and skin... high-shine glamour is making a come back! No more velvety or matt...instead play with texture and tone... try a clear gloss for a reflective finish on eye lids or lips or both... go on experiment!

Unsure of what to try? Not sure of colours that would suit you? then why not book in for a festive make-up party or make-up lesson? Get in touch with me for more details. 

Hair styling & make-up needed for that festive occasion??

Isn't time flying?! The cold weather is coming and Winter will soon be here... I have received a few enquiries for the festive season already so get in touch ASAP if you need hair styling & make-up for that special occasion... you might have a Christmas party to attend, a festive night out, a Winter wedding... whatever the occasion, we can discuss your requirements... weekends are getting booked up so get in touch for a quote!    

It's all about the brows...

Eyebrows have a huge impact on the overall appearance of the face, framing the features and creating balance... various waxes, glosses, gels, powders and brushes are all on the market and as you will see in the media it's all about the brows at the moment.  Shaping, filling in, defining and emphasising - an eyebrow pencil is a grooming essential so check out more information and tips on my twitter page or get in touch to discuss a trial or make-up lesson to achieve the best from your brows!

Want to cover a tattoo on your special day?

Concealing a tattoo and hiding it temporarily is a far cheaper way and less painful option to laser removal... I have had a few enquiries about tattoo cover for weddings and I thought I would answer a few popular questions; the make-up used to cover the tattoo is temporary but will last for the duration of your wedding day, it shouldn't rub off on anything or anyone provided it is looked after.  The cover creams are applied in a layering technique with even coverage and matched to your skin tone.  By choosing tattoo cover/remedial camouflage this enables the bride to wear her chosen dress style or have her desired hair style without having to compromise if the tattoo is no longer wanted on show.   

Please ask any questions if you are unsure about what tattoo cover is and what it involves... please feel free to send me pictures/photos of the tattoo that you would like covering and I can give you a quote according to the size of the tattoo...So get in touch! I look forward to hearing from you!

Be safe and confident in your skin this summer!

Summer if officially here but as well as bringing your skin a glow, the sun can also cause discolouration so make wearing sunscreen part of your daily routine, not just in summer! Even on cloudy days UVA rays are still present... so wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection everyday!

If you have skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation, sunspots, blemishes or marks that you don't feel comfortable with or confident to show off during the summer, why not try skin camouflage; the cover creams are long lasting, shower proof and can even last when you're on the beach or in and out of the pool (provided it is looked after) and you can enjoy the summer without having to hide away! Be safe and confident in your summer body! Get in touch for more information about skin camouflage or to book in for a trial...

Have you got a date for the prom?

Prom season is coming up so make sure you book in for your hair and make-up! If its just you or if you have a group of friends that would like hair styling and make-up applied professionally then why not get in touch for a quote... dates are being booked so get in touch - I look forward to hearing from you!

Curl, lift and multiply those lashes!

I love mascara and demand a lot from it... lift, curl, open up the eyes and multiply my lashes all in less than 30 seconds please! The quality of the formula is important but the shape of the mascara brush is just as valuable, as it can make or break the overall effect... Unsure of which brush to try? want to try out different effects? Why not book in for a make-up lesson or make-up party?

Skin condition? Embrace or conceal?

Skin conditions effect people in different ways... whether you choose to embrace or prefer to conceal is up to you!  I have received a few enquiries into which skin conditions can be covered by specialised make-up and whether I offer lessons in covering...the answer is yes - I offer consultations, trials and lessons which allow you to see for yourself, the effect, texture and general feel of the make-up...  get in touch now to book!

Happy New Year... Happy New You??

Have you made any resolutions for 2015 yet? If not I have a few for you to try...

Take it off - get out of old routines like sleeping in your make-up and make an extra effort to take your make-up off in the evening before you sleep - your skin will thank you for it!

Clean your make up brushes - why have clean skin and not clean brushes... get into the routine of cleaning your make up brushes!

Have more fun with your make up... learn how to contour, apply eyeliner, try different shades and styles...   

Try a new beauty product - scared of bright colours? think you can't wear a particular look?

 All of the above resolutions could be easily learnt by booking a group or individual make-up lesson with me... see what looks good on you, learn how to get the most out of your make up brushes or simply learn how to wear some of the products you were bought for Christmas and too afraid to try! its 2015 - give it a go!!

Get in touch to book! Happy New Year! x  

Got a Christmas party coming up?! Want to look more glam?!

I have just been informed that it is 41 days until Christmas! how exciting! 

Christmas parties, Festive nights out... great reasons to glam up, look gorgeous and sparkle!

If you have a Christmas party night planned and want a new look or just a subtle change to your own look that will make your friends say 'wow!'... Get in touch and book now! Girlie make-up night bookings are also being taken so you and your friends can all 'glam up' and have your make-up done before you go out!

Just get in touch for a quote...  

Show off your skin... even in the colder weather...

Its getting colder but there's no need to hide away... I love the colder weather but I often find the wind ruining any make-up attempt I try! So here are my top beauty items I can’t live without whatever the weather:

Mascara – its going to be all about the eyes come Autumn/Winter and I love enhancing my eyes using a waterproof mascara that gives that dramatic false lash effect. Foundation/Concealer – Healthy, glowing skin is great to see but sometimes we all need a bit of help to achieve that radiant look especially in the colder weather. A combination of a dewy finish primer and sheer foundation helps to create this natural finish. 

Balm – I always carry around with me a balm, great for instantly hydrating lips and dry skin.


My look...

Having a warm healthy glow seems to be 'in' at the moment and having a natural look is proving popular. I do love a statement piece of make up though whether it is lip gloss or eye liner… Both of which are making popular choices in the magazines this month! 

My day wear look tends to be natural with a matte powder, eye liner, blusher, concealer and lip balm.  My evening look tends to be a little more dramatic enhancing my eyes with shadow and liner.  I love experimenting with different shades and tones and would recommend everyone to try various products and use what’s right for you! 

Remember I offer parties and makeup trials to experiment with various colours so get in touch to book!  


Fairy kisses, sun damage…? However you see them love them… that’s what I say.

I have often wondered about freckles and being a fellow freckly myself I have grown to love mine.

When I was younger I always looked at others and thought I wish I had their skin…(and hair, figure etc) but after reading an article about faking freckles I have realised there are more of us with freckles than you think and some people are faking them…There are so many freckle friendly make up brands out there so don’t hide them, embrace them!

Autumn & Winter are on the way...

Unfortunately the lovely summer weather is beginning to leave us and now we're heading for Autumn... and of course, Winter will be upon us before we know it...New make-up and hair styles are in so don't forget Sparkle parties, Winter wedding make-up, hair styling and party bookings are all being taken now...

Just get in touch via the contact page or call for more details...

Don't forget Prom night! Glam up and look stunning!

Just a reminder that if you have a prom coming up, dates are getting booked quickly, so you will need to book a date as soon as possible if you are thinking of having your hair and make-up done professionally... Remember group discounts available... so get in touch for a quote.  

Concealer is not just for tattoos... for women & men...

It is great that I am getting a lot of interest with tattoo coverage for weddings, but please don't forget that the coverage works for more than just tattoos and it is not just for women only... veins, scars, blemishes and so on... the cover lasts longer than normal concealer or foundation and you are able to carry on with your daily routine without the fear of the cover creams rubbing off! Give it a try... get in touch.   

Children's party coming up? Unsure about a theme?

Why not book a childrens glitter and sparkle party?! Each child will get their make-up applied, hair styled and nails painted...

All parties tailored to suit requirements and ages of individuals... Prices available upon request. 

Prom night?...

Have you got a Prom coming up? Do you have a group of friends that would like their make-up applied professionally for a Prom? Or... do you just want to spoil yourself and look stunning for your Prom?... Get in touch for an individual or group quote and enquire about hair styling prices for your Prom too... 

Spring is sprung...

I have had a lot of enquiries regarding tattoo coverage and I would recommend that you book in for a trial, at least, three weeks before the big day to achieve the optimum effect desired... also, this will give you a chance to see the results and test how long the coverage lasts! Book in now for a trial...    

Calling all brides-to-be in the Midlands vicinity! We have an exciting offer for fans of the Wedding Dress Factory Outlet.

kirstyfx-bridal-make-up-midlands-leicestershireBook a bride’s make-up trial, plus make-up for your wedding day, and one bridesmaid can get their make up beautifully done for free!

Having your wedding make-up professionally done is a great opportunity to be pampered on your wedding day, plus it’s one less thing to worry about!

The Wedding Dress Factory Outlet Midlands has over 700 beautiful discounted designer wedding dresses, with savings up to 75% off the RRP. Our mission is to help every bride-to-be who walks through our door to find their ideal wedding dress. We are friendly, enthusiastic and approachable - in fact, we encourage you to view, touch and try on as many dresses as you like! Call for more information regarding this offer.

Don't forget... This Sunday...

Thank you to those who came along to see me on Sunday, at the Hinckley Golf Club... it was nice to see a few faces! Don't forget... I will be at The Lyric Rooms this Sunday 16th March, so please drop in! I will be offering on Sunday for every bridal trial make-up booked, one bridesmaid will get a free trial booked in on the same date too, so come along and book the date! I look forward to seeing you there.   

Looking ahead...March 2014 events

I will be exibiting in March 2014 at the following venues...

Sunday 9th March at Hinckley Golf Club:

Details of Parklands at Hinckley Golf Club Wedding Fayre 09 March 2014:
Beautiful venue with award winning chef, stunning views and friendly team
Around 20 local wedding exhibitors
Free entrance 

Sunday 16th March at The Lyric Rooms; Ashby-De-La-Zouch
The Lyric Rooms, Ashby de la Zouch are hosting a Wedding Fayre to showcase the venue for wedding and other events. There will be a selection of local wedding suppliers on hand to help and inspire you with your big day. The event will run from 11am - 3pm and is free entry. The venue is located on Lower Church Street, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire, LE65 1AB

A chance for you to come along and meet me and to ask any questions or make a booking.
I look forward to seeing you there!

A lesson in make-up?

Want to do your own make-up on your big day? getting married abroad? then a make-up lesson would be ideal for you!

Or, if you are a complete novice, simply stuck on how to apply a certain look or want to try a new look then get in touch and I will show you and guide you through in simple steps. 

 A make-up lesson would also make a great gift! Get in touch now to find out more...

Why have a make-up party?!

Why not book a make-up party? it's a great way to experiment with different looks and products in the comfort of your own home.  Alternatively, invite your friends over in preparation for a big night out and have your make-up applied by a professional!

E-mail me now to book your party!

Want that radiant and flawless look on your big day? you can help!

Make-up can only do so much... here are a few tips for you to start preparing your skin a few weeks before your wedding day:

- get into the habit of cleaning your skin and using a good moisturiser early on in your wedding planning

- cleanse your face everyday

- exfoliate to smooth your skin

- if having your eyebrows waxed; allow at least 5days for your skin to settle down (don't have it done the day before!)

- fake tan? ensure you have this done for the trial make-up and to find one which is the most natural colour for your skin type

- drink lots of water and cut down on coffee, tea & alcohol

- Treat yourself to a massage a few days before your wedding to help you relax and unwind

But most of all... enjoy the planning and try to avoid any stress!

Plaster it on?! Do I need layers of make-up?

It's a total myth that your make-up has to be plastered on for the photographs.  Lots of wedding photography is done in natural light and if you choose to have a heavy base, the make-up will look obvious.  In terms of flash, I would recommend that your T-Zone is matte which can be achieved with fine translucent powders and not layers of make-up.  With this in mind, I often advise to have a natural looking base whilst enhancing your own features.   

Book Now!

For booking availability, more information and specific pricing please get in touch with me via email or phone 07736287696, alternatively fill in the form here, I will aim to respond to emails within 24hrs.

Bridal Make-up

Following an initial introduction and discussion with you including your requirements and costings, Kirsty will come to your home or chosen location for a trial make-up session and consultation to ensure you get the desired look on your special day.

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Tattoo Camouflage

Hide that tattoo for your special day! Skin Camouflage is the application of specialist cover creams to improve the appearance of scarring, disfiguring skin conditions or to cover a tattoo. 

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Party Make-up

Need a make-up artist for a party? Prom? Special occasion?

I will come to your chosen location and create the desired look for you.

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Hair Styling

Hairstyling available upon request, Hair style trial Essential. Get in touch for a quote